Wedding Arch Ideas

Hello my Dear Friends!

As we know, the wedding ceremony is the heart of the whole celebration. Therefore, everything in it should be perfect: from timing to music. And, of course, we need to pay special attention to the design of the wedding arch. In this article I want to share with you some wedding arch ideas and I have collected the most current trends in its decor!

Wedding Arch Ideas

Pampas Grass in wedding arch decor – new awesome trend

Pampas grass has become popular in the wedding decor due to its exotic appearance. If in previous seasons it was used exclusively in the style of boho, but now we can see it as an additional element in the ceremonies in the romantic style or country weddings. Especially relevant this season colored pampas grass pink and purple shades. Due to the variety of shades (from light wheat to pale pink) and its splendor, pampas grass gives the rich palette of wedding floristry and adds volume to the decor. But we can use it in mono-design, collecting compositions of fluffy inflorescences for wedding arches or Central compositions.

Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas

 Geometric wedding arch

Wedding arch in the form of a geometric element (for example, a diamond or a triangle) — the perfect solution for a minimalist concept of celebration or urban-chic style. And if you complement it with floral arrangements, it will decorate a romantic youth wedding.

Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas

Flowers, greenery or natural branch arches

The first thing the bride wants to see in the design of the wedding arch is flowers. Of course, floral wedding arches look great! You can hang a few flower arrangements on the arch, or put flowers in vases on the sides, and you can wrap the whole arch with flowers. It all depends on your desire, imagination and… budget.

Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas

Wedding arches, decorated with greenery, look very concise and stylish. And if the excessive decoration of flowers you run the risk of making a clumsy and too flashy composition, the decoration of greenery risk to create something tasteless is reduced to almost zero.

Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas

Wedding arches with branches look as if their decor was created by nature itself. Indoors, this arch will create a unique feeling of presence in the garden, and during the ceremony in the open air, it is very harmoniously fit into the forest or garden – Park atmosphere. Wedding arches with branches will be especially relevant for rustic and boho-and eco-weddings.

Wedding Arch Ideas  Wedding Arch Ideas

Balloons, ribbons and paper – some non-standard ideas for arch

Ribbons are a very easy way to decorate a wedding arch and very cute! And most importantly, the decor ribbons can be done, even if you absolutely do not have any skills in decorating.

Wedding Arch Ideas Beads, crystals and even flowers and paper cranes, strung on a thread, look very gentle and stylish. Paper decorations are often underestimated by brides, it seems that the paper design is too simple and cheap. Well, look at the wedding arches decorated with paper decorations!

Wedding Arch Ideas  Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas

Someone loves balloons, but for wedding arch it is the most tricky material. Your decorator should be magician to make balloon arch looks gorgeous.

Wedding Arch Ideas

Round wedding arches

One of the undeniable trends of the season — round or semicircular wedding arches, which look much more interesting than the classic options. The circle associates with eternity (it has no beginning or end), and the empty space inside the circle in many cultures symbolises the journey. Marriage is nothing but a journey together!

Wedding Arch Ideas Wedding Arch Ideas

Round arches for the wedding, decorated with fresh flowers and greenery, emphasise any concept and bring a sense of harmony to the wedding ceremony. Oh, look how amazing they are!

Wedding Arch Ideas

“Wedding arch ideas” is the common article,  I promise to write one more about every possible type of wedding arch. I really hope that my article helped to make a decision about your future wedding arch!

Love, Yuliya

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