Golden Flowers – Wedding Invitation

Golden Flowers - Wedding Invitation

As a rule, gold color is associated with luxury, warmth, tradition and aristocratic elegance. The rich color of gold helps with 100% accuracy to create a pathos atmosphere of the upper layers of society. The color of gold symbolizes wealth, purity and vitality. Wedding of gold color is peculiar and harmonious more for the autumn-winter period.

Since the gold color is dominant, it must be present in each detail in moderation and with taste.

Original and irresistible will look jewelry made by hand. So, wedding invitations can be issued in the form of gold embossed calligraphy with pasted twigs, flowers, ribbons, painted in gold color.

In gold color it is necessary to issue glasses for newlyweds, candles, bottles of champagne, garters, handkerchiefs for weddings, a chest for money and other details.

Provide for each guest the original bonbonniere, which will be inside the candy in a gold package.

Follow the design of the wedding procession. It is better if the machine will be white, then the decorations for them can be Golden or yellow. To sprinkle the newlyweds at the exit, use Golden confetti.

Golden Flowers - Wedding Invitation